In this quick tip, we’ll see how to check whether a given date is earlier than today’s date (or another specific date). I’ll compare a date column from Dataverse to today’s date but this method could just as easily be used to compare 2 date columns from Dataverse.
This is something I found a little tricky when I was getting started with liquid. I expected there would be a datediff function but no, so how do we work around this?
yyyyMMdd and then compare e.g. with less than, greater than, equals to, etc. like in the example below
{% if date_to_check <= expiry_validation_date %} {{ date_to_check }} {% else %} <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span> {{ date_to_check }} {% endif %}
Read on if you’re interested in how I arrived at this code…
Please note that this simplified approach is suitable for comparing dates only (times won’t be considered as they’d produce a number too big for liquid to handle)
Transforming values
In liquid, we can use filters to transform values into various different formats (see for the available options).
So, how do we filter? Just type a pipe character | after the value, followed by the name of the filter – in our example, that’s date.
If the filter accepts any parameters, we type a colon and then pass the parameters, like so:
{{ now | date: 'yyyyMMdd' }}
(As you can see, getting the current date and time is nice and easy. We use the now keyword.)
Assign the date to a variable for easy reuse
We’ve got a decent starting point BUT we can’t really ‘do’ anything with the result yet other than output on the page. Let’s fix that by assigning it to a variable…
{% assign current_date = now | date: 'yyyyMMdd' | integer %}
With our filters (transformations), current_date now reads something like so: 20230306
In my example, I want to check the Expiry Date column from my Royalty Agreements table in Dataverse. I’ll give that the same treatment; assign to a variable and transform:
{% assign date_to_check = result.musdyn_expirydate | date: 'yyyyMMdd' | integer %}
Now to compare them…
We can then compare with simple operators like:
Symbol | Description |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
< | Less than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
== | Equal to |
So let’s see how to check whether a date is in the past
{% if date_to_check < current_date %}
Taking this a step further… what if we want to check a date is within a certain period?
Example: is expiry date within the next 30 days?
We’ll start with today’s date and add 30 days. For this we have the very handy date_add_days filter
{% expiry_validation_date = now | date_add_days: 30 %}
{% expiry_validation_date = now | expiry_validation_date | date: 'yyyyMMdd' | integer %}
…and then compare using if
{% if date_to_check >= expiry_validation_date %}
In this example, I’ll output a warning icon for expiry dates falling within the next 30 days:
{% if date_to_check <= expiry_validation_date %} {{ date_to_check }} {% else %} <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span> {{ date_to_check }} {% endif %}
{% expiry_validation_date = now | date_add_days: -30 %}
one = sign is how we set a value.
== is how we check / compare a value
HH means 24 hour time rather than hh for 12 hour time
MM means month whereas mm would be minutes
Can I change (rename) one the power pages form the field label text ? e.g. on D365 form field calls “Customer”, on portal pages form I would like to call field label “Client”. Is it possible ?