Photograph of Power Pages trainer Franco Musso. Smiling, arms folded, wearing a black t-shirt

Hi, I’m Franco👋I’ve taken the battle-tested lessons I’ve learnt from 10’s of successful portal launches across various industries, and formulated the most efficient route from zero to heroic launch

This is the course I wish existed when I was getting started.
It’s practical, hands-on and project-based – so you can immediately apply it to the real world

Empowering you to approach portal projects with confidence
Confidence that you can:

  • Understand exactly where to begin and the step-by-step path to successful launch
  • Decode customer requirements into a ‘build list’ of portal components and user flows
  • Break down the most complex requirements into manageable bites
  • Minimise time to value: Leverage the 80:20 principle and maximise the return on your time investment and your client’s budget
  • Play to the strengths of the platform rather than (unknowingly) fighting against them. (Hint: that includes knowing which projects you should absolutely say no to)

A step-by-step path to successful launch

Learn my tried and tested, repeatable process
It’ll serve you time and again, allowing you to speed up and to scale up your ambition

The tools and techniques chosen are all based on what adds the most value to you, the learner and to your customers – all in the most compressed timeline possible. Think 80:20… focusing on techniques that punch above their weight and deliver the majority of results.

You’ll get video lessons, a repeatable framework and super helpful worksheets

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Disclaimer: This course isn’t for you if you prefer hours of slides, theory and little to no action



I highly recommend Franco for his expertise in Power Pages and the Power Platform. With his in-depth platform knowledge, creative problem-solving skills, and understanding of the intricacies of web design, Franco truly stands out as a hidden gem. There is a knowledge gap when we go from traditional Power Apps work to Power Pages, and using Franco to skill up a team is a no-brainer.

Tyler Page, Director, Solution Architect, Application Modernisation, MCA Connect

I want to express my admiration for Franco Musso, an extraordinary teacher and Power Pages expert. Franco’s approach to teaching is both artistic and practical, transforming complex Power Pages concepts into accessible and engaging lessons. His sessions go beyond typical learning experiences; they are insightful deep dives into technology, simplifying the intricate and making it enjoyable.

Franco has a gift for demystifying Power Pages’ toughest aspects. His teaching style is like a guiding light through the maze of technology, ensuring that his audience not only keeps pace but also deeply understands the material. This unique ability to make complex topics clear and straightforward sets his teaching apart.

Having personally experienced Franco’s mentorship, I can attest to the profound impact of his knowledge and approach. His support goes beyond just imparting knowledge; it’s about empowering and inspiring real understanding and application of Power Pages. This has been pivotal in my professional growth.

If you’re aiming to master Power Pages and achieve significant ROI, Franco’s courses are a must. His blend of deep expertise and clear, practical teaching makes his classes invaluable. Franco is not just a knowledgeable instructor; he’s a mentor who genuinely cares about his students’ success, making every session with him a worthwhile investment in your professional development

Will McLendon, Microsoft MVP and Senior Solution Architect & Manager, Hitachi Solutions America

Franco’s expertise and engaging teaching style made the training a pivotal contribution to my professional growth. It wasn’t just about learning; it was about understanding how to creatively apply Power Pages concepts. The personal touch, exemplified by the walkthrough of a Power Pages site resembling Spotify, left an indelible mark on my approach, making this training an invaluable part of my journey with the Power Platform. The comprehensive content was a rich tapestry, covering fundamentals to advanced techniques. This not only broadened my knowledge but immediately improved my proficiency. Overall the experience was truly exceptional.

Bhargav Reddy, Solution Architect, TCS

When I first embarked on my Power Pages journey and relied on YouTube tutorials, Francesco’s videos and articles consistently ranked among the top recommendations. As time passed, I had the privilege of collaborating closely with Francesco, gaining invaluable insights into his approach when utilizing unconventional Power Pages elements and his meticulous considerations before tailoring them to specific needs. I absorbed a wealth of knowledge from him during this period. Francesco isn’t just a Power Pages expert; he’s also an exceptional educator. That’s precisely why I wholeheartedly endorse Francesco’s course as the ideal resource for anyone eager to accelerate their career in Power Pages. It will undoubtedly provide tremendous benefits.

Safwan Karim – Senior Consultant, Accelerate Tech

Ready to make your portal idea a reality?
This course is crafted to be the most comprehensive, practical, and actionable guide available

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Is this course for me?

Definitely consider this course if you:

  • Are already using Dataverse, Dynamics 365, or Model Driven Apps at your workplace.
  • Aim to bring your customer interactions online, offering 24/7 self-service options.
  • Seek to enhance efficiency, reduce process bottlenecks, and improve data collection.
  • Need a clear, proven framework to guide the way.

This course is ideal for Power Platform professionals keen on expanding their expertise into Power Pages, regardless of your specific background within the Power Platform suite. Newcomers to Model Driven Apps or Dynamics 365 customization will find all the necessary guidance to get started.

Power Pages Mastery equips you with a comprehensive, repeatable strategy for project success, optimising time and budget. It distills numerous successful launches into an efficient path from concept to launch.

Frequently Asked Questions

That’s a fraction of the cost of typical off-the-shelf corporate training. I guarantee this delivers greater results and packs in much more value.
Absolutely! Email me on and we’ll get it sorted 🙂