{% comment %}Retrieve speakers for previous Scottish Summit events{% endcomment %} {% fetchxml previous_speakers_query %} <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true"> <entity name="msevtmgt_speaker"> <attribute name="msevtmgt_speakerid" /> <attribute name="msevtmgt_name" /> <attribute name="ss_speakerimage" /> <attribute name="msevtmgt_eventid" /> <attribute name="msevtmgt_about" /> <order attribute="msevtmgt_name" descending="false" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="ss_speakerimage" operator="not-null" /> </filter> <link-entity name="msevtmgt_speakerengagement" from="msevtmgt_speaker" to="msevtmgt_speakerid" link-type="inner" alias="af"> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="msevtmgt_event" operator="in"> <value uiname="Scottish Summit 2020" uitype="msevtmgt_event">{7BCEC1F7-25B7-EB11-8236-00224800319A}</value> <value uiname="Scottish Summit 2022" uitype="msevtmgt_event">{CB67AC6C-96AD-486A-9314-35FC9DBB0C28}</value> <value uiname="Scottish Summit Virtual 2021" uitype="msevtmgt_event">{79CEC1F7-25B7-EB11-8236-00224800319A}</value> </condition> </filter> </link-entity> </entity> </fetch> {% endfetchxml %} {% comment %}Shuffle (randomise) the order of the results and store in a variable called speakers_shuffled{% endcomment %} {% assign speakers_shuffled = previous_speakers_query.results.entities | shuffle %} <section class="featured-content dark"> <h2 class="h1">Previous <strong>Speakers</strong></h2> {% comment %}If one or more results is returned{% endcomment %} {% if speakers_shuffled.size > 0 %} <!-- Start of headshots --> <div class="headshots"> {% comment %}Loop through the shuffled array of results{% endcomment %} {% for result in speakers_shuffled %} {% comment %}Output the first 4 items in the loop only{% endcomment %} {% if forloop.index <= 4 %} <!-- start the loop here --> <div class="headshot col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3"> <div class="headshot-inner"> {% if result.ss_speakerimage %} <img class="img-responsive img-circle" src="{{ result.ss_speakerimage }}" alt="Photo of {{ result.msevtmgt_name }}"> {% endif %} <h4 class="h3">{{ result.msevtmgt_name }}</h4> <div class="small-meta">{{ result.msevtmgt_about | truncate: 300 }}</div> </div> </div> <!-- end the loop here --> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> <!-- end of headshots --> {% endif %} </section>